GEOG 3100

In the course Environment, Resources and Sustainability, I learnt about the natural and human-modified environment from a geographical viewpoint. This course taught me about the various climate change issues across the planet and their causes. In class, we discussed and debated solutions for these environmental issues. This course has helped me open my eyes to the problems we contribute to outside our towns.

GEOG 3990

GEOG 3990 is a special topics course that can change from semester to semester. During the semester, I took the course, we focused on renewable energy technologies. We cover everything from old windmills to cutting-edge technologies such as energy vaults throughout this course. This course has taught me that there are many different ways to produce and store energy and that we should try to utilize as many different forms to create a well-rounded power grid.

ARET 3300

In the Building Design course, we learned how to design a multi-story wood-frame commercial building. Dale Parkes, our professor, pushed us to design with the environment in mind. He introduced us to new materials and building techniques to help create more sustainable buildings.

ARET 3500

Building Services Theory taught me how to take different assembles and calculate the heat transfer using thermodynamics. In addition, this course helped me understand the quality of other materials and has helped give me the background knowledge to create more sustainable envelopes.

ARET 3510

Building HVAC Design was a continuation of Building Services Theory. Using the knowledge of thermodynamics I learned how to properly size and design various heating and cooling systems. After taking this course, I am able to properly inform clients on which heating or cooling system will be appropriate for their needs and how to be more sustainable in their decisions.